Sunday, September 03, 2006

My new toy

This is not really true to the time I bought it; I've had it for about a week now, but its still so cool.

I have become part of the iPod cult. I bought a 30GB iPod video last week for around $370AUD (cheap?). Its soo cool. I can listen to music when I'm walking around now, which is heaps in Japan. Haha! And I've discovered the world of podcasts, and started first with Happy Tree Friends, hahaha! 'Tis great. :)

Anyway, a big congrats to the beatBouncrs back home...I just saw your comp video, was cool! Except I saw two guys at the end who looked like different dudes. Donno what that was about. Anyway, keep doing what you doing. It's awesome to hear God's blessing all you guys and doing so much back home. So much stuff is going on back home, but life is pretty cruisy and stress-free here. Though it does make me feel like I'm missing out...

I miss all you guys back home. Take care!


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