Monday, August 07, 2006

Another good night...kind of...

Well it's Monday, but let's consider it as Sunday night.
Firstly, I had a pretty amusing day. A lot of funny things that students said but the most memorable one was I was teaching Offering Assistance. The funniest situation was partly due to the student's intonation and also their lack of fluency.

The first student asked the other student "Could you help me make dinner?"
The second student immediately just came out with "No." It was said in such a matter-of-fact way that I just started laughing. It was a flat refusal. He went on to say "I...can't...know" So i taught them its better to say "I'm sorry, I don't know how to make dinner." Hilarious.

The next part was even funnier.
The second student said: Can I help you with anything?
The first student said: Could you take out the trash?
The second student said: No.
Hahahahahaha, thinking about it now, it was frickin' much so that we all laughed and disturbed the class in the next room/cubicle.
The second student realised his mistake and said: Oh oh oh....No..No problem!
Classic stuff. It's moments like these that make the day easier to get through.

Anyway, Sunday night was a work party night, where some newish teachers to the area came. So it was also a welcome party for Alan, who is the new boss at Tsunashima, and also over the neighbouring branch, Kikuna. So we had staff and teachers from Tsunashima as well as Kikuna. Kikuna have recently gotten two new permanent staff: Sword and Casey. Good guys.
We went to an izakaya in Tsunashima, one I've been to before. Quite nice, unfortunately I didn't bring my camera. Anyway, there was a TONNN of drinking. Nomihodai - all you can drink. I took a dodgy photo with my camera of all the beer bottles that were drunk. I would say roughly 30-40 beer bottles. There were a few more drunk after I took the photo. People got smashed, a lot of yelling...I kinda lost my voice. Was a good night though.

Anyway, I watched Lost in Translation just the other day. It is so weird seeing things in a movie happen that are almost exactly like what we see and hear everyday. The bad pronounced English, the mistranslation, the views of the city, the karaoke....everything. I suppose it made the movie more interesting because really, nothing much happens in that movie.

Alright, I'm out. Gotta handle the little ones in about 8hrs.


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