Sunday, May 28, 2006

(No title)

The past few days have been fairly uneventful, so not much blogging needed. Except I did have a couple of funny stories from class. And I will share them with you.

There are some things that I suppose might only be funny when you hear someone say them with difficulty (i.e. they are learning the language). So you have to try and imagine that they actually take a while to say these sentences, rather than reading them as fluently spoken.

So I was teaching a lesson about asking for help.
S1: Can you...look...after my...........baggage for 20 minute?
S2: I'm sorry, I ... arms.

That was so ridiculously funny that I ALMOST burst out laughing right in the class, where there were two others practicing a similar conversation!

Another class I taught earlier in the day, we were talking about living abroad. So basically, where you want to live, where you DON'T want to live, why, and what you would miss back home. One of the model sentences for missing things was "I can't live without my (family)", family being the word you can change.

I asked one of the students where she wouldn't want to live. She responded "Iraq". That was already mildly amusing. Then I asked why. She said "I can' life." Inside I was thinking HUH!? I didn't laugh at the time because the joke wasn't caught on by the other students, but it was a sure classic! She knew she couldn't come up with anything better so she kinda just threw it out there. Absolutely ridiculous!

Anyway, I taught another student who's one of the highest levels (Level 2, can speak pretty fluently with very few grammar errors). I had been teaching her for a while and gotten to know her quite well so she was one of the students I really liked (and could communicate with her quite well). She's also pregnant with her first child, so she told me that today (Saturday) would be her last day at Nova. I was sad because it was almost like a free lesson when I had to teach her, because she can speak so well already). So I took a photo with her just to remember.


At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL you wear a suit! Soz u just look so funny.....><


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