Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Its Tuesday morning, well 11:40 actually. I thought I should share something with you.

I had a really weird dream last night. It was about work.

Ok, for some reason there was some work function that a whole bunch of us were going to. I being the newest member joining whatever (maybe it was Nova) was like a special guest or something. We were in some function room and I remember some dude introducing me to a whole bunch of other people, like maybe 50 or so. There were some people who came and said hi. I only remember one guy saying his name was Hawthorn. Weird. Then we were all watching TV which surprisingly looked like something I had watched before. Sonic the Hedgehog and some other people were fighting this bad guy...and they couldn't win. Then this huge ship filled with employees flew past the bad guy, who shot some homing missiles at the ship. The first one was blown up by the laser on the back of the ship but the second one destroyed the ship and killed all the employees. This was all something we were watching on TV.

I turned to one of the guys at the work function/party and asked him if he knew all those guys who died and he just smiled a sad smile. Then one of the guys from my work (who really works in the Tsunashima NOva branch) Andrew, dressed up in a giant bear costume and had some little kids throwing stuff at him. They turned out to be flies which Andrew had to whack. I wasn't sure if he was whacking the flies, or the children :). At this time I also realised that for the work function, I had worn some really strange clothes. I had a blue shirt and tie on, and some light grey pants (don't know where I got them from), and realised I had brought a black jacket so I said to one of the guys that I'd look like an idiot if I actually wore my jacket. Even though I was cold. I also looked at my shoes and noticed I was wearing my beige slip-ons and white socks. How awesome... anyway the dream kinda ended there.

I had another dream, not sure whether it was before or after the one above but I had actually come home for a visit, back to Kew house. I remember walking around my house and finding Arthur, Andrew and my brother in the bathroom. They were all sitting around the sink, and Arthur was sticking diamond-shaped material onto his tie, apparently trying to make a tie; probably a Make-Your-Own-Tie kit (which I'm sure doesn't exist). He was laughing and saying "I don't know how to do this!". I then went to my room and Amanda and someone else were chilling out there. I remember speaking to Amanda and talking about her going to America. She then said that she had planned a farewell at the restaurant that's on the Yarra (near the Boulevard...where you can go and hire small rowboats, in Kew). That's an idea! I remember saying "You've planned so far ahead!" And boom, the dream kinda ended there.

I'm surprised I remembered so many details...weird. Hope you enjoyed the adventure in my head. :)


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